Experience ninety minutes of sacred sound ceremony to align with the season of Spring and create outward expansion, including inspiring affirmations for spring-cleaning the mind to clear the clutter, and invigorating sound instruments to revive, purify and transform. Featuring energizing breathwork, chakra seed syllable chanting, uplifting flute, medicine drumming and shakers, and over twenty beautifully tuned Tibetan singing bowls, gongs and chimes. Raise your frequency to a higher level!
Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket, pillow, and eye covering (optional). Dress comfortably and bring some water to drink. It's preferable not to eat for an hour prior. Register early to secure your space!
Mark Biehl, CVSC, LSHC lifelong musician and composer, is the founder of Acuity Soundworks®, dedicated to the development and presentation of music and sound to inspire creative thought and action. Mark is a Certified Vibrational Sound Coach and Licensed Spiritual Health Coach. He has received training in Primordial Sound Meditation with Deepak Chopra, traditional shamanic sound practices with Zacciah Blackburn of the Center of Light Institute, and Certification in Sound Healing with Himalayan Singing Bowls from Nepalese Master Teacher Suren Shrestha. He has twenty years’ experience in sound healing, and offers both private and group sound sessions. Mark believes in the idea that sound creates a gateway into deeper levels of consciousness, the heart, and soul. As a result, he utilizes various sound tools and the voice in conjunction with his spiritual health coaching skills and positive intention to gently support positive shifts in our perspective on life.
Location: Unity on the North Shore
Date: Saturday, May 4, 2024
Time: 7:00-8:30 pm
Pricing: $30 Early Registration/$35 Week of Event