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The most powerful transformations are often born out of our greatest leaps of faith: I pray, “I’m one with the universe,” even though I can’t stand my coworker. I affirm, “Peace be still,” even though my thoughts race like demolition derby drivers'. I pray, “Love is all there is,” even though I resent those I blame for injustices. I pray, “Peace on earth,” even though violence dominates the news.
Transformation calls us to stay present to what we value most, then choose thoughts, words and deeds aligned with those values. If we’re willing to trust in the protecting power of the universe, Spirit will transform us, and through us, outer conditions.
The rest is just processing. It’s the prodigal son eating slop with the pigs. It’s the Hebrew slaves murmuring in the wilderness. It’s Jesus on the cross. It’s almost never easy. Often, it’s painful. But as we stay true to our values, we are transformed: We remember whose child we are. Our wandering in the wilderness ends. Our three days in the tomb are complete.
So whatever is ripe for transformation in your life, my prayer this week is that you have within you all the faith, courage and desire to heal at depth, to return for the loving father’s welcome home party, to reach the Promised Land, and to experience the glory of resurrection.